UH, Information Technology

Job Description

• Awareness of relevant concepts and practices in computing and information technology • advanced knowledge and skills in development and management of software applications • Skills in development and management of websites and electronic platforms • Knowledge and skills in handling problems with software and information technology systems • Skills and experience in educational/training applications of information and communication technology • Analytical skills in report preparation and writing including statistical analysis • Effective communication and coordination skills • Effective interpersonal and teamwork skills Recommended training courses • Webpage development and management • ICT program development and management

Minimum Qualification

• Bachelor’s Degree in information technology, computer sciences, or related subjects • Postgraduate degree in information technology or computer sciences

Preferred Qualification

As above

Expected Skills

• At least 5 years’ experience in the field of information technology preferably in a medical education setting • Experience in software development or management in context of higher education • Experience withy developing or managing websites and electronic services

Close Date     Kindly apply before the closing date.
