Research Assistant Professor (Molecular Entomologist)
The KCGEB is recruiting an outstanding scientist (PhD) with demonstrated excellence in molecular entomology to join our center. The core activities are to lead a research team, and conduct scientific research within the field of molecular entomology especially in the field of bio-control. The research areas include but not limited to conduct research on the molecular biology, physiology, and genetics of insect pest red palm weevils and other pests. The focus of the research includes but is not limited to develop strategies and application of biological control and genome-editing technologies for use in for crop protection and pest control.
A Ph.D. in entomology or a related field is required with minimal 5yr of postgraduate experience and demonstrated scholarly productivity in the field of molecular entomology and biocontrol
Experience in pest management using molecular, immunological, or protein assays. Strong background in biology of insect pests
• Basic entomology skills: rearing, feeding, analysis • Ability to work independently and as a multicultural team member. • Ability to manage and prioritize work tasks and projects with available personnel. • Proven experience writing and editing peer-reviewed manuscripts
Open until filled